Monday, June 23, 2014

34. Drawing App

Unlike the previous widget applications, here widgets are added dynamically. If widgets are to be added dynamically, at run-time, depending on user interaction, they can only be added in the Python file.

Besides the App class, the Widget and RelativeLayout classes are imported. The Widget class is used for the ColorTriangle widget. The root is based on RelativeLayout.

This is the first half of the root class. Whenever a click is detected, the on_touch_down function is called by Kivy. Here we create an instance of the widget, set its position, and add the widget so it may be displayed.

When touch, or mouse, is dragged, on_touch_move is called by Kivy. We use the same code to add a ColorTriangle.

After creating a subclass of the App class, it has to be run(). We do not have to put the run code in the if __name__ is equal to '__main__': block, if we understand that we will only run the Python file directly and not import it. It does not hurt to have the condition though, as it results in more readable code.


from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.uix.relativelayout import RelativeLayout

class ColorTriangle(Widget):

class Ex34(RelativeLayout):
    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        ct = ColorTriangle() = touch.pos

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        ct = ColorTriangle() = touch.pos
class Ex34App(App):
    def build(self):
        return Ex34()


In the kv file, we import the random module as the alias rnd. Since the widget will be added to a RelativeLayout, we have to put the size_hint to None, None so it does not use all available window space, to draw the widget, but rather use the specific size, provided here.

Finally in the canvas instructions, we set a random color, and then send it triangle coordinates. We can not fix the triangle coordinates, as that will always draw the widget at a specific place, on the window. We have to refer to self variables as they are changed at each instance.

For the root, we set a background color.

# ex34.kv
#:import rnd random

    size_hint: None, None
    size: 25,50
            rgb: rnd.random(),rnd.random(),rnd.random()
                (self.x,self.y, self.x+self.width,self.y,
            rgb: .9,.8,1
            size: root.size
            pos: root.pos

This is a particular result. Since this is a painting application, the total numbers of widgets, is not known initially.


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